Course: Laptop/HP Repair

Tired of technical issues with your laptop or computer?

Want to fix them but don’t know how? Don’t worry anymore!

The Laptop and Computer Repair Class is here to assist you.

Book Now

Date and Time

2 days on the weekend


Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur or Selangor.


An expert in this field.


We offer a 2-day intensive course to fix technical issues with your laptop and computer. You’ll learn from industry experts in technology and gain hands-on experience in troubleshooting issues with your devices. 

Day 1

  • Introduction to common technical issues that occur with laptops and computers.
  • How to diagnose and resolve issues.
  • Reinstalling the operating system on your device.
  • Methods for cleaning and maintaining your devices.

Day 2

  • Repairing hardware issues.
  • How to replace faulty components on laptops or computers.
  • Addressing common software problems.
  • Guidance on preventing technical issues in the future.

What do you gain from taking this course?

Learning Outcome

  • Skills to troubleshoot technical issues with laptops and computers.
  • In-depth knowledge of hardware and software.
  • Skills in diagnosing and solving technical problems.
  • Understanding how to care for and clean your devices.

Course Benefits

  • You will be able to troubleshoot technical issues with your devices on your own without needing to send them to a service center.
  • You will save money by fixing technical issues with your devices yourself.
  • You will learn new skills and enhance your knowledge in the field of technology.

Register now to join the Laptop and Computer Repair Class and become an expert in fixing technical issues with your own devices!